
"in the dead of the night, December, 1945.
Dear sweet Norma Jean:

It is so painful for a man to stay away from making love, especially when the beloved is right nearby! And maybe she, too, suffers from the same self-denial. But she is too shy to let herself go....
What a pity we are created so shy! What pleasurable, glorious nights we could spend if only we would dare!
The cemeteries are full of corpses, and bones, who once were alive, also too shy, too strict, too religious, to morally inclined, and too avaricious, even with themselves, to please and to satisfy their true instincs. And they spent perhaps even a life-time tormenting themselves with lack of loving! Something Nature did not wish them to do! Billions of people had died without having had enough earthly pleasures!
Norma Jean: Love is the only real thing in life. The only thing what really matters! Please come to knock on my door. Please let me love you! I shall never forsake you! I shall always love you!
Your crazy Hungarian, Andre."

El principi de tot, quan ella no tenia més de 20, 21 anys... tot el potencial, tota la força i la bellesa; la candidesa de la joventut immortalitzada per sempre.
Photo Andre de Dienes, un diari apassionant i emocionant del fotogràf amb la musa. Busqueu-lo, magnífic pels cors més enrojolats.

1 comentari:

  1. Hauries de penjar el vídeo de "Happy Birthday Mister President...." hahaha, boníssim!
