English exercice

Thinking about what film to describe it suddenly appeared to my mind la vita è bella from Roberto Benigni.
I don’t really remember a lot of details about that piece of art but if its essence is the first that came to my mind that means the big impact that the thrilling film has had to me.
The plot takes place in the dramatic period of the Second World War, and revolves around the chiaroscuros of life, how one can struggle for happiness while sorrounded by pain, how there can be found raisons d’être and the meaning of life in the simplicity and joy of being alive no matter the suffering happening around.
The power of love and imagination can bear everything, this is what Guido (Roberto Benigni) teaches his little son Josué who will live in a concentration camp as he’s in a big playground thanks to his father.
Guido plays an Italian Jew, deported to a concentration camp and there will invent a fairytale for Josué. The kid will belive that the person who can hide better from the bad german policemans will go on winning points and the one with more points at the end, the winner, will get a tank.
It's difficult not to cry watching the movie. The contrasts are hard to resist, the truth is shown strictly clear and in a sentimental, poetical way.
Everybody remembers the scene where the naive and happy kid emerges from a little closet in the morning and greets his mother: Buongiorno principessa! A common, simple and moving act that the war cutted indiscriminately without delay neither remorse.
La vita è bella won an enormous amount of prizes and awards and it’s definitely worth watching as well as it is to know Benigni’s nerve. Not to miss his last TV appearance in the Saviano and Fazio’s show: Vieni via con me from the less controlled by Berlusconi RAI3 channel, "the revel".
As well as Sabiano and Fazio, this two great italian figures, Roberto Benigni’s always denouncing in an irreverent way, with a hell of humour and satire and huge doses of knowledge and witness.
Lehaim Roberto!

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