No em puc treure del cap el sexe d'ahir amb en D.
I ho escric amb patiment al rostre. Amb una ganyota dolorosa.
Jo encara em pregunto, perquè, visc el plaer tant pròxim al sofriment de la pèrdua.
És extenuant.
No poder controlar l'impuls d'anar a parar allà mateix; al beure, al fumar, al posar-li el dit al cul, al marxar.
Al sentir.
Aigua i fluïds.
Tot el dia. D. mirant-me als ulls mentre em menja el cony. Chaloupe.
D. mirant-me als ulls mentre em corro desesperadament. Cases victorianes. Tot el dia. D. penetrant-me, abraçant-me única i passionnant vegada. Transcripció de l'entrevista.
Cultura. Sexe.
Encostipat. Mocs densos i verds.
Marxant de la casa refusant el petó de bona nit.
Dolguda, trencada.
Morta dormint.
I can't get out of my head yesterday's sex with D.
And I write it with suffering in my face. With a painful grimace.
I still ask myself, why, I live pleasure as close as to the affliction of the loss.
It is exhausting.
Not to be able to control the impulse to end there; to drink, to smoke, to put the finger in the asshole, to leave.
To feel.
Water and fluids.
The whole day. D. watching me while eating my cunt. Chaloupe.
D. watching me in the eyes while I come desperately. Victorian houses. The whole day. D. penetrating me, huging me a unique and passionnant moment. Transcription of the interview.
Culture. Sex.
Cold. thick and green mucus.
Leaving the house refusing the kiss goodnight.
Hurt, disconsolate.
Sleeping dead.
I ho escric amb patiment al rostre. Amb una ganyota dolorosa.
Jo encara em pregunto, perquè, visc el plaer tant pròxim al sofriment de la pèrdua.
És extenuant.
No poder controlar l'impuls d'anar a parar allà mateix; al beure, al fumar, al posar-li el dit al cul, al marxar.
Al sentir.
Aigua i fluïds.
Tot el dia. D. mirant-me als ulls mentre em menja el cony. Chaloupe.
D. mirant-me als ulls mentre em corro desesperadament. Cases victorianes. Tot el dia. D. penetrant-me, abraçant-me única i passionnant vegada. Transcripció de l'entrevista.
Cultura. Sexe.
Encostipat. Mocs densos i verds.
Marxant de la casa refusant el petó de bona nit.
Dolguda, trencada.
Morta dormint.
I can't get out of my head yesterday's sex with D.
And I write it with suffering in my face. With a painful grimace.
I still ask myself, why, I live pleasure as close as to the affliction of the loss.
It is exhausting.
Not to be able to control the impulse to end there; to drink, to smoke, to put the finger in the asshole, to leave.
To feel.
Water and fluids.
The whole day. D. watching me while eating my cunt. Chaloupe.
D. watching me in the eyes while I come desperately. Victorian houses. The whole day. D. penetrating me, huging me a unique and passionnant moment. Transcription of the interview.
Culture. Sex.
Cold. thick and green mucus.
Leaving the house refusing the kiss goodnight.
Hurt, disconsolate.
Sleeping dead.
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