HELLO FRIENDS, I AM LAURA CALÇADA AND I'M BISEXUAL ...And currently dating an incredible hot and caring young guy, that, although his long working hours, makes me very happy and proud of all his achievements.
"You just need to decide." "You just want an excuse to sleep with anyone." "You can't be faithful." "IT'S A PHASE." Bullshit...
Lisa Diamond: "I can drive a blue car, or I can drive a red car. But I have a one-car garage".
Carlos Legaspy: "There's some indication that what makes a bisexual person may be less about what they're strongly attracted to and more about what they're not averse to".
Earnie Gardner: "Hey, just because you're incapable of finding the beauty in both genders, don't hold your deficiencies against me. You have a handicap, I don't".
Zelma Mae Bullock: "I find that people think I don't have boundaries. That's kind of unfair. I have boundaries just like any other person. I have character just like any other person. I know what my sexuality is. I know that I'm attracted to both sexes. But that doesn't inhibit me from building rapport with my partner or building intimacy."
Many young people aren't sure what qualifies as bisexual. Eric Anderson: "Does their attraction have to be 50-50? What about if it's 80-20? Should they still consider themselves bisexual then? Should they adopt that identity? Many young men" (and I add, many young women) "don't know, and they're not in a rush to put a label on that uncertaintly."
(Excerpts from the article "Bisexuality comes out of the closet", The New York Times Magazine, March 23, 2014)
It wasn't: "Laura is playing the macho" back in the days in Barcelona, when I was expressing out loud how sexy was that chick in the club... amusing my male friends and myself and making my girlfriends go: "Laura's wild side again".
It wasn't a game when talking about how extremely beautiful is sleeping with A WOMAN.
It wasn't to provoke anybody when talking about sexuality in an open way.
I think I'm going to marry a man, I want my children to have a masculine figure (coming from a male) and besides, I LOVE MEN. But, I can't tell you if I am going or not going to fall in love with another girl again someday or if Milena and Laura will remain as my only real muses forever.